Eva Åberg Joins Vi Agroforestry as the new Director
April 1, 2020
Eva Åberg, new dirctor at Vi Agroforestry
– It’s a very strange time to start a new job. Not being able to meet new colleagues for a long time. Or to be present in the countries where we operate, to see the challenges that colleagues and partners of Vi Agroforestry are facing. But if there is one advantage of working with development cooperation, it is that we are used to challenges, says Eva Åberg.
Since 1983, the Vi Agroforestry has been working in East Africa to support farmers to fight poverty and climate change with sustainable agricultural methods such as agroforestry – a system where trees are planted among crops.
– I will admit that I have been eying the organisation for a long time. It is an exciting assignment and I look forward to contributing to the important work that is being done, says Eva Åberg.
Eva Åberg has worked with developed cooperation most of her professional life and has for the past 11 years worked at Diakonia, most recently as head of the international department. Eva Åberg takes over after Maria Schultz in the role of Director of Vi Agroforestry.
– I believe that, during the current crisis, we are many people who are thinking about how we can continue to live sustainably together. As a family, village, city and globally. And to contribute to that, we must protect our environment, the means of livelihood. Let us work together to halt climate change and make livelihoods sustainable for all. Vi Agroforestry is very well placed to a leading role in this important work, says Eva Åberg.
In her new role, Eva Åberg will be reporting to Vi Agroforestry’s Secretary-General Anna Tibblin.
– I am extremely proud and happy to work with Eva. Under her leadership, I am convinced that Vi Agroforestry will continue to develop in an exciting way, says Anna Tibblin.
Join us in welcoming our newest team member: Eva Åberg! The new Vi Agroforestry Director.