The Project for Resilience and Empowerment of refugees and their host communities (PREP) project was a unique collaboration in Uganda between the Red Cross and Vi Agroforestry, aimed at improving the health of vulnerable refugees and farmers, and securing access to drinking water, sanitation, and food. This initiative significantly increased nutrition and livelihood options for the target groups. Characterized by innovation, the project addressed acute problems that posed great challenges for these communities and the entire Ugandan society.
Ugandan refugee situation
Since 2013, Uganda has received the largest number of refugees among East African countries, primarily from conflict-affected South Sudan. The total number of South Sudanese refugees in Uganda exceeded one million, continuing to grow as the conflict persisted. This strained both society and the environment, with increased logging for firewood negatively impacting soil fertility and livelihoods. The local population, largely poor, faced challenges related to livelihood, food, health, and environmental degradation. The project was designed to meet the needs of both refugees and local people, vital for building a sustainable society and reducing tension between these groups.
Palorinya Refugee Settlement
The focus area of the project was the Palorinya Refugee Settlement in Moyo District, which evolved into a densely populated settlement with over 180,000 refugees in 30,000 households. The refugees lived with substandard water and sanitation provision, posing high disease risks, especially for women and children. The project addressed the urgent need for improved water, sanitation, and hygiene education among both refugees and the host community.
Deforestation and food scarcity
A significant problem in the district, and Uganda in general, was the negative environmental impact due to people cutting down large areas of forest for cooking fuel, depleting the soil and threatening livelihoods. The project aimed to raise awareness about agroforestry methods and provide simple, inexpensive alternatives to promote sustainable resource use.
Additionally, the project addressed the insufficient knowledge of sustainable agricultural land management practices among refugees and the local population. It aimed to improve food security and provide economic opportunities such as savings and loan options to enhance financial security. Integration was facilitated through voluntary membership in the Moyo District Farmers’ Association, which provided training and resources for sustainable agricultural development.
Improving living contidions
The purpose of the PREP project was to develop a model for creating sustainable communities with improved living conditions for refugees in Palorinya settlement and nearby host communities. This was achieved through participation, knowledge exchange, and integration, building resilience and self-confidence among both groups. The model, based on the collaboration between the Swedish Red Cross and Vi Agroforestry, involved recruiting resource persons from both groups to promote integration and counteract xenophobia. The project included designing recommendations for optimal land use to meet the needs of accommodation, water, food, and firewood.
The PREP project concluded in March 2022.
Project name: Project for Resilience and Empowerment of refugees and their host communities (PREP) / Hej morgondag!
Context: The refugees in the Praulinya (also known as Palorinya) refugee settlement are primarily from South Sudan. The settlement was established in December 2016. As of June 2023, the population was approximately 124,000 refugees. Challenges in the settlement and nearby host communities include water and sanitation, high risk of disease, and environmental degradation due to deforestation for cooking fuel. Each refugee family typically has 30 x 30 meters to live and farm on.
Main purpose: Offer sustainable solutions for water and sanitation (WASH), maximize the food, fodder and firewood from small plots of land using agroforestry, introducing business opportunities – for instance in livestock keeping.
Duration: 2019 – 2022
Location: Praulinya refugee settlement, Moyo District, Uganda.
Target group: 10,500 refugees and 4,500 host community members (total 2,500 households)
Donor: The Swedish Postcode Lottery awarded 3.3 million SEK to Vi Agroforestry.
Partners: Swedish Red Cross (main applicant), Uganda Red Cross Society, and Moyo District Farmers’ Association (implementing organisations).
Key results: Improved food security, enhanced livelihood opportunities, better access to clean water and sanitation, and stronger social cohesion.