The Mara-Serengeti landscape is renowned for its abundant wildlife, attracting travelers worldwide. However, for farmers coexisting with these wild animals, life can be challenging. From elephant droppings on farms to animal footprints in maize fields and crop destruction, the struggle is real. In some cases, conflicts escalate to the point of poaching or even fatalities. SEMA targeted areas marked by high poverty rates and human-wildlife conflicts. Through initiatives focusing on sustainable livelihoods and ecosystem management, the project sought to enhance farmer livelihoods and mitigate conflicts by restoring wildlife corridors.
The SEMA project was active from 2018 to 2021 and was funded by the European Union. Its geographic scope encompassed Tarime, Bunda, and Serengeti districts in Tanzania, as well as Narok and Bomet counties in Kenya. BUFADESO and Fintea Growers Co-operative Union Ltd (Fintea) were our esteemed partners in the implementation of the SEMA project.
As of 2021, the SEMA project has concluded, marking the culmination of our collaborative efforts in conservation and community empowerment within the Serengeti-Mara ecosystems.
Summary of the SEMA project
Reflections after completing the SEMA project
Community involvement in wildlife conservation in the SEMA project
Interviews with farmers during the SEMA project
Enhanced Regional Dialogue through the SEMA project